Kerala Folklore Museum Kochi

Kerala Folklore Museum Kochi – As a part of our tour package, the folklore museum one that was listed and in the afternoon we first reached the museum before going to other places.

As soon as we entered the museum we bought tickets to go inside and there three, four floors where all the items are there. There is no space as the museum is full with traditional arts, paintings,toys,bronze articles, terracota materials. Most of these are of centuries old some from 17th century and some 9th century, decorative items, musical instruments,earthen pots, jewellery, stone sculptures and so many to see. If someone wants to know and closely observe the items at the museum in detail, atleast a day is needed.

We had taken pictures of these invaluable articles and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the centuries old things and one must appreciate the way the museum is maintained.

One more memorable place to see and we thoroughly enjoyed and the visit to Kerala Folklore Museum.

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