Chinese Fishing Nets Kochi

Chinese Fishing Nets Kochi – during our visit to Kochi we could also see the famous Chinese fishing nets. We were told by the people operating there that these chinese nets have been operating for centuries and during those days chinese traders used to come and stay. While they were in Kochi they started the setting up of these finshing nets hen ce the name remained as chinese fishing nets.

These nets are similar to what our fishermen uses, however these nets are longer size and they do not throw and spread the nets. What we see there is wooden plank are there with bamboo polls. It looks like an arch and the net is tied all sides to the bambooo polls and the kept these in a balanced way. When someone goes nearer to the nets, the net goes inside the waters and they lock it and after sometime when they see some fish movement, they take out the lock and one will go towards the net and the others stand on the balancing wood so that the fishing net comes out. The fisherman at the net tries to collect the fish using small fishignet sack. Once they take out the fish again the net goes back to the waters.

This is an interesting technique they use as each time one need not have to stretch the net and throws into waters. These are permanet wooden strcutures on the waters.

Ancient City Kochi – Likemystories

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